The TWCA Activity Board
The Way Christian Academy is a private Christian multi-ethnic school. The academic material is Accelerated Christian Education (A.C.E.), in which each student is evaluated to determine the level (or grade) of each subject. Once the level of learning is determined per subject, an individualized lesson plan and an academic strategy is set out so that each student is set up to win. Students sit in office cubicles supervised by the teacher, and testing tables are set up to monitor progress.

Middle/High School lunch time at the school's back porch area. Students are able to eat a healthy meal and have positive interaction and fellowship with one another. The meals are free (Breakfast, Lunch, & After School Snack), and our vendor is J.W. Foods, one of the better vendors in the Tampa Bay area. Our students deserve the best.

Elementary lunch & fun time. Pastor Vega visited them during their Thanksgiving lunch, and the students got a kick out of watching him eat his late lunch.
Life skills are taught, with high school students taking on baking and cooking projects during special events. The two young ladies in the picture have both graduated and moved on to higher learning. One of them is studying to be a Marine Biologist,
There is a Physical Education instructor that works with all the students, regardless of grade level. The 5th & 6th graders love their time at TWCA's safe playground. The elementary students love their recess time in the playground area.
Six years of graduations so far; God willing so many more to come!